Creating a canvas to draw on using Typescript

7 minute read

A quick tutorial on how to create a small web application to handle the user drawing on HTML canvas elements.


The aim of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to work with canvas elements. This will be done by creating a simple web page and using typescript to write the code that powers the logic of the page, which will allow the user to draw on the canvas element like is possible in a trivial paint application.

Why Typescript

I’m not an expert in web development, so I really appreciate the static typing available in Typescript. Combined with VS Code’s Intellisense for Typescript, it makes it fairly easy to start writing new functionality and discovering new APIs while being reasonably certain of its correctness.

The files

There are three files needed for this demo:

  • tsconfig.json - configures the typescript compiler
  • index.html - simple HTML page with a canvas and button element
  • main.ts - the typescript file that we will write and compile


This file is relatively straightforward. It sets the target for the compiled Javascript code (ES5), turns on source map for easier debugging, and a few other relatively inconsequential things. If you’d like to read more, a nice explanation of tsconfig.json is available here and a page explaining the compiler options is available here.

    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es5",
        "sourceMap": true,
        "lib": [
        "noUnusedLocals": true,
        "module": "commonjs"


Another relatively straightforward file, the contents index.html will serve as a foreshadowing of what we’re going to make.


    <title>Canvas demo</title>

    <canvas id="canvas" width="490" height="490"
            style="border: 1px solid black;">
    <p id="clear">clear</p>
    <script src="main.js"></script>


This creates a canvas element (with the aptly-named id, canvas). It also creates a text label (the p element with id clear) that will clear the drawing area when clicked.


Finally, we start writing the main file. We begin with the skeleton of the class that is going to contain the functionality:

class DrawingApp {


new DrawingApp();

DrawingApp is the name of the class we’re going to fill in. At the end, you can see we instantiate a new class. Upon instantiation, we will find the relevant DOM elements and register event handlers for the events that we’re interested in.

This is done by writing a constructor for the class. Add the following snippet to the body of the DrawingApp class:

private canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
private paint: boolean;

private clickX: number[] = [];
private clickY: number[] = [];
private clickDrag: boolean[] = [];

constructor() {
    let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas') as
    let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
    context.lineCap = 'round';
    context.lineJoin = 'round';
    context.strokeStyle = 'black';
    context.lineWidth = 1;

    this.canvas = canvas;
    this.context = context;


The constructor method is called automatically when instantiating the class, the same as constructor methods in other OOP languages. In the constructor, the first thing we do is get a handle to the element that has canvas as the id. We then get a 2D rendering context from the canvas. Other modes are also available. For the 2D context, we then set some defaults for our drawing app. Finally, we store the handles in the class’s variables and call a couple of methods that we will define next (add these to the class):

private createUserEvents() {
    let canvas = this.canvas;

    canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this.pressEventHandler);
    canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this.dragEventHandler);
    canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this.releaseEventHandler);
    canvas.addEventListener("mouseout", this.cancelEventHandler);

    canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this.pressEventHandler);
    canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", this.dragEventHandler);
    canvas.addEventListener("touchend", this.releaseEventHandler);
    canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", this.cancelEventHandler);

            .addEventListener("click", this.clearEventHandler);

private redraw() {
    let clickX = this.clickX;
    let context = this.context;
    let clickDrag = this.clickDrag;
    let clickY = this.clickY;
    for (let i = 0; i < clickX.length; ++i) {
        if (clickDrag[i] && i) {
            context.moveTo(clickX[i - 1], clickY[i - 1]);
        } else {
            context.moveTo(clickX[i] - 1, clickY[i]);

        context.lineTo(clickX[i], clickY[i]);

createUserEvents does what the name says – it sets up the handlers for the canvas events that we’re interested in. We register for both mouse and touch events so that the app can work not only on normal computers but on mobile devices as well. redraw is a little bit more complicated. The method uses all the stored information about where the user clicks and drags the mouse and uses that to draw on the canvas element. If the user was dragging (clicking and moving the cursor at the same time), we draw a line through all the points one-by-one. However, if they just clicked in a spot, we draw a point one pixel wide. The stored state of the user’s action is managed by the addClick and clearCanvas methods:

private addClick(x: number, y: number, dragging: boolean) {

private clearCanvas() {
        .clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
    this.clickX = [];
    this.clickY = [];
    this.clickDrag = [];

These functions are used to add to and clear the state, respectively, of the user’s actions on the canvas element. We store the X and Y coordinates along with a boolean representing whether the user was in the middle of dragging the cursor.

When the user does perform an action on the canvas (other than simply moving the cursor over it), our event handlers will get triggered, which we registered with the browser with the createUserEvents method. We’ll start with the three simple handlers:

private clearEventHandler = () => {

private releaseEventHandler = () => {
    this.paint = false;

private cancelEventHandler = () => {
    this.paint = false;

clearEventHandler is registered to be called whenever the “clear” link is clicked. All we have to do is call clearCanvas and the canvas is cleared. releaseEventHandler is responsible for handling mouseup or touchend events. These occur when the user stops holding the mouse button over the canvas element. The event handler stores the state the user is no longer drawing on the canvas and does a final redraw call. cancelEventHandler is called whenever the user moves his mouse or finger outside of the canvas element. This handler method stops the processing of all future mouse events until the user performs another mousedown event on the canvas element.

Note the difference in syntax between these methods and the ones that were written earlier. This is because of the way Javascript (and thus Typescript) handle the binding of the this variable. Creating a closure for the event handlers allows for the handler to keep a correct reference to the instance when it’s run as an event handler. There’s a pretty good write-up available here.

Finally, we write the two methods responsible for handling the initial clicking or touch event and the moving of the cursor while in a down state, respectively:

private pressEventHandler = (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => {
    let mouseX = (e as TouchEvent).changedTouches ?
                 (e as TouchEvent).changedTouches[0].pageX :
                 (e as MouseEvent).pageX;
    let mouseY = (e as TouchEvent).changedTouches ?
                 (e as TouchEvent).changedTouches[0].pageY :
                 (e as MouseEvent).pageY;
    mouseX -= this.canvas.offsetLeft;
    mouseY -= this.canvas.offsetTop;

    this.paint = true;
    this.addClick(mouseX, mouseY, false);

private dragEventHandler = (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => {
    let mouseX = (e as TouchEvent).changedTouches ?
                 (e as TouchEvent).changedTouches[0].pageX :
                 (e as MouseEvent).pageX;
    let mouseY = (e as TouchEvent).changedTouches ?
                 (e as TouchEvent).changedTouches[0].pageY :
                 (e as MouseEvent).pageY;
    mouseX -= this.canvas.offsetLeft;
    mouseY -= this.canvas.offsetTop;

    if (this.paint) {
        this.addClick(mouseX, mouseY, true);


The methods essentially do the same thing with a couple of minor differences:

  • get the X and Y coordinates of the event
  • transform the coordinates to be relative to the canvas element itself
  • add the click to the stored state
  • call redraw thereby updating the drawing surface

One difference is that dragEventHandler makes sure the paint variable is true. This is to prevent cases where the user performed a click event outside of the canvas element but then moved the mouse inside of the element. We also call preventDefault (reference) in dragEventHandler to improve the performance of the app. Without this, dragging the cursor can cause a degradation in responsiveness.

Note that both event handlers do a little bit of type punning to work around the fact that the event handler is called for both mouse and touch events and thus the type of e can vary. We detect the type of the event argument by checking for the presence of the changedTouches field; if it’s present, we have a touch event, otherwise it’s a mouse event.


You can see a live demo of this tutorial here.

Further reading


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